Recent Projects
This was not an easy job as it was very challenging but ultimately rewarding. The end client demanded very detailed drawings for the fabrication . The 50mm splice plates and rolled main tubes were tricky to get right, but once the fabrication package was issued there were no questions and the job went together very well. The installation was smooth and relatively stress free, which was a good job as closing a motorway doesn’t come cheap.
This was the dream job, everything went as it should. No surprises on site and a new school sprts hal for Birmingham. It involved rolled beams and quite a bit of cold rolled. All beams and columns were made from .NC1 files and plates laser cut from .dxf’s were all supplied in the fabrication package.
These balconies were part of a renovation of an existing building that became flats. The balconies were essentially free standing with only a minor connection into the existing building. We made custom machined glass point connections for the 30mm thick glass, this worked out nicely.